Cranky Joe Biden now claims he never called 83-yr-old vet “fat” - you be the judge

Oh, the campaign trail is getting entertaining!
Yesterday, during a “routine” campaign stop in New Hampshire, Joe Biden had an angry meltdown with Merle Gorman, an 83-year-old retired Marine who had the temerity cujones to bring up Hunter Biden’s job in Ukraine, and suggested the elder Biden used his influence to get his son the job.
Biden lost it and snapped back “You’re a damn liar, and that’s not true.”
He then went on to attack Gorman as “sedentary,” challenged him to a push-up competition and IQ test, and then appeared to check himself after he started to call Gorman “fat.”
Here’s the whole exchange, in case you missed it.
And here’s the crowd reaction from a bunch of kids:
Y’all are acting like Trump supporters.@JoeBiden said “Look, Fat.”
— Ryan Knight 🏳️🌈🗽 (@ProudResister) December 5, 2019
Even the kids in the audience reacted to it. It may have been an accident, but pretending like Biden didn’t say “fat” when he said “fat” is very Trumpian.
Pretty funny, actually.
Naturally the Biden campaign went into immediate spin mode.
Per CNBC, Biden’s campaign quickly reacted to the incident after Twitter users gleefully noted Biden’s use of the word fat. The candidate’s spokeswoman posting a tweet of her own that disputed that claim, arguing that Biden said “Look, facts.”
Campaign spokeswoman Symone Sanders wrote Thursday: “To be clear: Any assertion VP Biden said a word about the gentleman’s appearance is making this something it is not. In the latter part of the exchange, the VP began to say ‘Look, facts’ then said ‘here’s the deal.’ If you’ve been to a Biden event, you’ve heard this before.”
Heard what before? Rambling nonsensical comments? Gaffes?
CNBC also helpfully noted that there might be some sensitivity to the comments, especially considering the high percentage of fuller-figured voters in the crucial early caucus state of Iowa.
Iowa, in addition to being home to a crucial early caucus in the presidential nomination cycle, has one of the highest rates of obesity of any state in the nation.
More than 35 percent of Corn State residents are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only six states had higher obesity rates.
Not that CNBC is body shaming Gorman, or anyone who looks like him. No, not at all.
When he looked at the gentleman's stomach and suggested he was sedentary, before challenging him to a push-up competition was that also about "facts?"
— Retired Orrin G. Hatch (@RetiredOrrin) December 5, 2019
But seriously, no matter how you look at it, fat or facts, Biden lost his cool, insulted a potential voter and turned the exchange into a frankly amusing senior citizen playground shouting match.
And this is the best the Democrats have? A guy who gets into a hissy fit every time he hears a question he doesn’t like?
Hoo boy. Can you imagine what a presidential debate will be like between him and Donald J. Trump?
Think of the ratings…
The networks are already salivating.
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