Medal of Honor recipient Douglas T. Jacobson

Medal of Honor recipient Douglas T. Jacobson - Nine Line Apparel
February 26, 1945 - Private First Class Douglas T. Jacobson receives the Medal of Honor. Pfc. Jacobson was serving with the 4th Marine division during the seizure of Iwo Jima. Jacobson destroyed a 20-mm anti-aircraft gun and its crew after he assumed control of a bazooka after the previous user had been mortally wounded. Pfc. Jacobson was relentless in battle as his unit slowly fought toward the summit of Hill 382. He destroyed two hostile machine-gun positions, and attacked a large blockhouse, neutralizing the enemy so a small team could move in. He took out a covered rifle emplacement while being fired upon by other emplacements. He destroyed all six of these emplacements, killing 10 enemy in the process. US Marines were then able to occupy this strong point. He volunteered to help an adjacent company neutralize more emplacements. He destroyed a Japanese tank and assaulted and neutralized yet another blockhouse. In all, Pfc. Jacobson destroyed 16 enemy positions, and 75 Japanese soldiers.
[Image Descriptions: 1. Douglas T. Jacobson with President Truman after receiving his Medal of Honor (USN) 2. Douglas T. Jacobson posing with his Medal of Honor (USMC)  3. Marines on Iwo Jima (USMC)]

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