We, the people need to make China PAY for this...

Whether or not you believe China intentionally created the novel coronavirus as a bioweapon of mass destruction, or it was just one of the worst “oops” moments in a lab — like, ever, there can be no question China had a role in the worldwide spread of the virus.
From the very beginning, China has either lied or covered-up the truth about how fast the virus was spreading.
Dr. Li Wenliang, the physician who tried to warn the world about the Wuhan virus was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party. China lied to the World Health Organization in mid-January saying there was no evidence the Wuhan virus could be transmitted by humans when it had already been spreading since mid-December at least.
Isn’t it interesting that in January, China cut off the Hubei province where Wuhan is located, from the rest of China, but continued to allow international flights in and out? Either they’re incredibly stupid, or incredibly evil.
And then, by the time the virus had spread globally, and nations were scrambling to respond to the pandemic, China sold millions of broken and faulty tests to the world. Today, China is refusing to allow American companies to ship protective equipment out of China, resulting in critical shortages for our healthcare workers and first responders.
One can argue the wisdom of globalist trade policies that allowed this situation to develop, where the United States now relies on China for the manufacturing of not only toys, gadgets and smartphones, but also some of our most critical items including medical and surgical equipment, and generic prescription drugs.
Let us not forget China has had a big hand in our opioid crisis, flooding the United States with fentanyl. In 2018, the CDC recorded 67,367 drug overdose deaths in the United States. About 70 percent of those deaths included opioids.
Bottom line is, this needs to end. Now. The United States needs to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable. We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore.
What’s the first action we can all take? Sign this petition.
Americans for Limited Government has created a White House petition to ask the federal government to propose a new administration policy and take tough action:
> Issue an executive order to eliminate our dependence on China for manufacturing important pharmaceutical and medical products.
> Create an investigative team to assess the Chinese Communist Party’s role in covering up and spreading the pandemic.
> Restrict China’s influence on our universities.
Who’s with us on this? We hope you all are. We’ve got to make China pay. Join us by signing the petition.
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