WWII Veteran and Pearl Harbor Surviver Passes

We are saddened by the loss of Jack Holder, a WWII veteran, and Pearl Harbor survivor. Mr. Holder passed away at 101 years of age.
Jack was present when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, with the first bomb falling within 100 yards of him. He saw men swimming in burning oil and knew this would be the last day sitting on the sidelines of the war in Europe. He then went on to fly over 100 missions in the Pacific and European theatres in WWII. Holder fought in the Battle of Midway and flew missions in Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands before being transferred to the European theatre.

Jack Holder received two distinguished flying crosses, six air medals, a presidential citation, and six commendation medals during his Navy career. After the war, Jack flew for 25 years as a commercial and corporate pilot, before retiring in Arizona. He became extremely involved in WWII education and Pearl Harbor commemorations.

Nine Line Apparel was proud to be part of the 80th-anniversary memorial of Pearl Harbor, sponsored by Best Defense Foundation which took Holder and other Pear Harbor survivors to a ceremony in Pearl Harbor for the 80th anniversary in 2021. We were able to hear many stories from Jack and sat in awe at the bravery of one of the strongest generations. Mr. Holder will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery sometime in April. Rest easy, Sir.

[All images shown of Mr. Holder were part of the 80th-anniversary memorial of Pearl Harbor, taken by the Best Defense Foundation crew].
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